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Complaints & Grievance

We're sorry that you're here.  If you're unhappy with any aspect of our service, this section helps you to understand our policy for resolving grievances and getting things back on track.

Let us know

We’re here to make sure you receive the best possible service. If you’re unhappy about anything at all the first thing to do is to let us know about it so we can try to put it right for you and improve your experience. We always take complaints seriously and understand their importance. If you wish to make a complaint regardless of what it’s about we’ll always give it our full attention and work with you towards a swift and fair resolution.

What you can do:

If you find you’re not 100% satisfied with the service, you have received you can choose how you tell us. Whichever way you contact us, we’ll look into this for you straight away.

By phone:

You can call us on 01633 277339 All our staff are trained to deal with complaints and will be happy to assist you.

By email:

You can contact your account manager directly or our customer services team admin@exactpayroll.co.uk.

In writing:

For the attention of Compliance.  Springboard Business Innovation Centre, Llantarnam Industrial Park, Cwmbran, Wales, NP44 3AW.

What happens next:

Our aim is to resolve your complaint straight away. If we can’t we’ll keep you updated step-by-step.
1) If we can’t resolve your complaint within 21 days we’ll contact you so you know who is dealing with it and keep you informed of progress so far.
2) We’ll keep in touch with regular updates, but if you have any questions you’ll be able to contact the person handling your complaint directly.
3) Our aim is to reach a satisfactory resolution to your complaint within 8 weeks. If for some reason we can’t resolve it within this timeframe we’ll keep you regularly updated on our progress until it’s all sorted. If you’re not satisfied with our progress at any time, please call the team dealing with your complaint straight away.

The Financial Ombudsman Service:

The Financial Ombudsman Service is an independent organisation. They look to sort out complaints that consumers and financial businesses haven’t been able to resolve between themselves. If for some reason we haven’t been able to resolve your complaint within eight weeks, or you’re not satisfied with the resolution you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

If you receive a final response letter from us and you want to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service, you’ll need to do this within six months of receiving our final response letter. To find out more about the service visit www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk You can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service by writing to: The Financial Ombudsman Service South Quay Plaza 183 Marsh Wall LONDON E14 9SR Alternatively, you can phone them on 0800 023 4567.